Assessment Tools

There are hundreds of assessments available to leaders.  While I am certified to use a variety of them, I most frequently use the following:

Emergenetics Profile Emergenetics International has been in business since 1991 and was founded by Geil Browning, Ph.D.  The Emergenetics Profile is a 100-question assessment that scientifically measures thinking and behavior.

eg_logoEmergenetics works for organizations because all organizations, big or small, are built on people—how they interact and how they work. Emergenetics ultimately provides organizations with the ability to analyze and value their workforce and better capitalize on human assets—whether in terms of productivity, leadership, decision-making, attitudes, or teamwork.

Through the lens of Emergenetics theory and concepts, organizations are given the ability to:

  • Increase job satisfaction
  • Develop the “perfect team”
  • Solve problems creatively
  • Manage change
  • Enhance interpersonal communications
  • Accelerate learning
  • Increase productivity
  • Develop leaders
  • Explore, value and maximize cognitive diversity
  • Understand clients and colleagues


Meyers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI). The theory of psychological type was introduced in the 1920s by Carl G. Jung. The MBTI MBTI-Logo1tool was developed in the 1940s by Isabel Briggs Myers and the original research was done in the 1940s and ’50s. This research is ongoing, providing users with updated and new information about psychological type and its applications.

The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people’s lives. It assesses and individual’ type and is useful in expanding a leaders self-awareness, improving communicating, managing conflict and coaching teams.

The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in the behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment.

The MBTI instrument sorts for preferences and does not measure trait, ability, or character. The best reason to choose the MBTI instrument to discover your personality type is that hundreds of studies over the past 40 years have proven the instrument to be both valid and reliable. In other words, it measures what it says it does (validity) and produces the same results when given more than once (reliability).